Kids Reading to Succeed operates through the generous support of individual patrons, corporations, and foundations. We appreciate both financial support as well as donations of books and art supplies.

Financial Support
KRS currently accepts monetary donations:

Checks can be made out to the Lake Avenue Community Foundation c/o KRS, which currently serves as KRS' fiscal sponsor.  In the check memo line, please identify that you are donating to the KRS program.  Checks can be mailed to Lake Avenue Community Foundation c/o KRS, 530 S. Lake Ave., Suite 738, Pasadena, CA 91101.  A receipt will be provided for proof of charitable donation.

Donations of books and art supplies are also appreciated.  If you would like to donate such items, please email KRS and we will arrange a time for pick-up or drop off of these items.  A receipt will be provided for proof of charitable donation.