Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Legal Eagles Work With KRS' Kids!

On January 8, 2011, The Honorable Ray G. Jurado, who is a judge for the Los Angeles County Superior Court and a Deputy Public Defender for Los Angeles County visited Kids Reading to Succeed.  Judge Jurado introduced himself, explaining that he was a former federal prosecutor appointed to the bench by Governor Schwarzenegger and then showed the students his robe and his gavel.  While the Deputy Public Defender distributed four written fact-patterns involving children engaging in improper and potentially unlawful conduct (for example, a child who stands as a "lookout" while another child paints graffiti on a school wall).   Students volunteered to read each fact pattern and then the group discussed the consequences that a child might face for participating in such actions.  After the group discussion, Judge Jurado described the actual legal consequence that the child might face.  Thank you to Judge Jurado for volunteering their time and joining KRS in finding news ways to make reading interesting for our students!

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